Test Your IQ Now!

Have you read all the blog posts?.. Then its time to Test your IQ.. So Lets Get Started ...

Start the IQ Quiz 

After Quiz Let Us know the Score :)

Knowing Your IQ Is Important

One should know his/her IQ score and use it to evaluate one's self, but indiscriminately, objectivity should be maintained. For some people, knowing their IQ helps boost their self confidence and morale, and eggs them on to attempt new things, fight challenges or to tax their mental resources and stretch the arch to scale greater heights. For others, it may have adverse effects. Learning that one's IQ is below average, can be a shattering experience. They may withdraw into themselves and tag themselves complete losers who would never taste any fruit of success. However, it should be remembered that having a high IQ does not ensure success.

"Why should I know my IQ score?"

Millions of people across the globe take IQ and personality tests in schools, colleges and of course as a part of the selection procedure when applying for jobs. IQ and related test scores hold gravity for Central, State and Banking service examinations and for entry to engineering medical and other professional (Management, Administrative) courses. Legislatures, schools and universities, employers, industries, companies, service and other organizations are all using these tests in a multitude of ways to sieve the best from the rest. By best I imply, people best fitted to the requirements or a particular competency model.

Some other contexts where IQ scores are used, are as follows:

They are predictors of educational achievement for a group or controlled batch of students or trainees.

They are use to identify people with special needs (gifted, disabled, etc.). For instance, a score of above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence and a score below 70 may indicate mental retardation. Testing and analyzing their individual faculties that comprise the total IQ can lead the doctor or analyst to where learning disability lies.

A low IQ score may signal that a child needs different methods of instruction. A learning disabled child, who does not receive early remedial assistance, is very likely to show test scores going downhill. The child may be quite intelligent, but because of poor language and math skills, the child may learn and test like a slow learner. These children with unique needs now have access to different kinds of instruction and instructional media.

They are examined by social scientists who study the distribution of IQ scores in populations and the relationships between IQ score and other variables, and as predictors of job performance and income.

Sure, scientists have contested the mighty importance and accuracy of IQ as a standard of intelligence as well as the nature of intelligence itself, but there is a general agreement that IQ is a pretty good predictor of success in the educational world. Goes without saying that, a high IQ boosts up the confidence to a great extent.


There is a contention amongst parents and educationists over the misuse of IQ tests. Any long term decision about educational needs or placement in a special education setting should consider a series of IQ scores, with a host of other behaviors that are not identified through such tests. Placing children in set ups above their levels can be highly stressful for them. Even the reverse situation can be quite denigrating, as a child might lose interest altogether.

IQ test vs. Achievement test

Do not confuse IQ testing with regular achievement tests which are taken frequently during school and high school life. Achievement tests are given by a teacher for the purposes of reporting to the parents, district, and state what is being learned by each child, class, group in each grade level. Most students have 4 or 5achievement tests in a year. Teachers also analyze this data in order to determine how effectively they are teaching a subject or subjects so that they can refine their teaching to fit the needs of the students.

What are IQ tests made of? How do they help represent the profile of a person?

Intelligence is made up of the skills of logical reasoning, problem solving, critical thinking, and adaptation.IQ tests in general consist of Verbal and Performance sections. In each subtest of the Verbal scale, specific areas such as, verbal fluency, vocabulary, expressive language and memory skills are put to test, while in the Performance scale, visual-spatial abilities, numerical abilities, fine motor coordination, perceptual skills, inductive reasoning, rational logic and in some also speed, are essential for scoring.

To be of any practical value, Intelligence tests are always accompanied by a battery of other tests, which can broadly be classified as:

Psychological Tests

Sociological Tests

The former are focused on the individual (intellectual capacity, motive patterns,self concept, perception of the environment, role behaviors, values, level of anxiety or depression, coping patterns and general personality integration) while the latter on the individual's life situations. The success and precision levels of an Intelligence Test depends to a large extent on the sociological and psychological make-up of the individual in addition to his intelligence. The best example of combined Psychological and sociological assessment is an interview.

The reason why interviews are such a basic part of individual's assessment is the fact that it involves a face to face conversation between two persons, conducted in such a fashion that the person who is interviewing can get information about the life situation, behavior and personality makeup of the person being interviewed.

Inspite of their mass appeal, interviews too have their limitations. They cannot take into consideration the state of the candidate ( too excited or a bundle of entangled nerves), whether in that stipulated period candidate is posing his best, which might not be his true nature, bringing regret to everybody later on. There is also a likeliness for the candidate to please the ears of the interviewer by telling him what he wishes to hear than what he actually thinks or feels. To eliminate these errors, interviews are carefully structured in terms of goals, contents to be explored and the type of relationship the interviewer intends to establish with the person being interviewed

What an IQ Test Measures?

There is a common myth which says that IQ tests measure intelligence. What an IQ test actually measures is not actual intelligence, but a person's capacity for intelligence. In other words, it does not test on learned information, but instead, it tests a person's ability to learn information.

Basically, an IQ test measures a person's performance on several indicators, relative to that of his or her peers. It test and analyses the performance of the test taker on a series of analytical, mathematical, and spatial activities, and the success with those endeavors will be represented as an IQ score. The test is meant to measure a person's intelligence; however, the debate over the true meaning of intelligence has been going on for over a hundred years and remains unsettled.

What an IQ Test Does Not Measure?

The short answer to this second question is that an IQ does not measure many, many things! An IQ test does not measure creativity, musical affinity, intrinsic motivation, or spiritual gifts, non-academic talents, musical, manual dexterity, interpersonal skills etc.. Because an IQ test can only measure the responses to the questions given, a person who is gifted in areas such as art or music may find that his or her abilities are ignored.

So you see that IQ tests go a long way in helping one analyse one's learning abilities, identify the soft spots and fortes; it gives one a fair estimation as to where his inteligernce levels lies in comparison to his peers. This in turn greatly assists in selecting your subjects choosing a profession, making a career, so on and so forth. So what are you guys waiting for? Just go ahead and take an IQ test. I bet it will be worth your time.

Are You A Genius?

The IQ test scores are derived from the accurate answers that you provide to the multi choice questionnaire. A professionally built IQ test is comprised of various sub-tests to measure your verbal, numerical and spatial skills, and also your analytical reasoning with the provided data.

The instrument is similar to a career aptitude test for its design and effectiveness. However, IQ test score meanings have converted it into an entirely different breed.

Some IQ tests claim to classify you on the basis of your intelligence. They, generally, take intelligence as a measurable entity that you get by birth. They think that it remains almost constant throughout your life. Adding insult to injury, some races/nations are considered low on the basis of their national IQ test ratings.

You need to define intelligence before you start measuring 'g' factor...
Unfortunately there is no standardized definition for this conceptual word 'intelligence'. Most of the psychologists equate it with different acquirable capabilities. In 1986, during a controlled study, a group of 25 psychologists defined intelligence in 25 different ways. The definitions included adaptability to a new situation, cognitive capabilities, logical thinking, abstract thinking, originality, alertness, common-sense, productiveness and creativity.
Most of these traits can be improved...
David Wechsler may be right to claim that an idiot can't become a mathematician with any amount of training and hard work. But  Wechsler IQ tests still identify improvable capabilities and mental retardations.

Most of the IQ test fans define intelligence what an IQ test can measure. But there are certain capabilities which IQ tests can't measure. They include creativity, non-academic talents, musical capability, manual dexterity, interpersonal skills etc.
Then what is 'intelligence'?
A concept is still looking for a scientific expression....