Are You A Genius?

The IQ test scores are derived from the accurate answers that you provide to the multi choice questionnaire. A professionally built IQ test is comprised of various sub-tests to measure your verbal, numerical and spatial skills, and also your analytical reasoning with the provided data.

The instrument is similar to a career aptitude test for its design and effectiveness. However, IQ test score meanings have converted it into an entirely different breed.

Some IQ tests claim to classify you on the basis of your intelligence. They, generally, take intelligence as a measurable entity that you get by birth. They think that it remains almost constant throughout your life. Adding insult to injury, some races/nations are considered low on the basis of their national IQ test ratings.

You need to define intelligence before you start measuring 'g' factor...
Unfortunately there is no standardized definition for this conceptual word 'intelligence'. Most of the psychologists equate it with different acquirable capabilities. In 1986, during a controlled study, a group of 25 psychologists defined intelligence in 25 different ways. The definitions included adaptability to a new situation, cognitive capabilities, logical thinking, abstract thinking, originality, alertness, common-sense, productiveness and creativity.
Most of these traits can be improved...
David Wechsler may be right to claim that an idiot can't become a mathematician with any amount of training and hard work. But  Wechsler IQ tests still identify improvable capabilities and mental retardations.

Most of the IQ test fans define intelligence what an IQ test can measure. But there are certain capabilities which IQ tests can't measure. They include creativity, non-academic talents, musical capability, manual dexterity, interpersonal skills etc.
Then what is 'intelligence'?
A concept is still looking for a scientific expression....

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